Saturday, October 30, 2010

Show your support and get a way cool photo of yourself. Go to and upload your photo.

Lot's of requests for the WWAWD logos and Jacob

Here's the link. These are for non-coummercial use. I wanted to share with people and originally had gotten only 2 messages wanting to use them but I woke up today to 12 new messages asking to use them!

So I made a link for you lovelies so you can use them. Put them on signs or display them(one person wants to display in a library, how cool!) or whatever. Just please do not use them to make any money. I have copyrighted them all. Don't make a $250,000 dollar mistake! LOL

Well let's give this a try

I'm starting this blog as a way to vent off of facebook. I will continue to use facebook but I want to have a little more room to say what I need to say. AND I can't use facebook at work but I can use this. I think. Anyway. Lot's of things to say. Uhm, for starters. I want to go to Taiji. And I need help. I'm not happy with just sitting on my ass passing around the same type of information that everyone else is passing around. I want to actually be there and give first hand. Is that too much? What do you think?  Let me know!