Sunday, December 12, 2010

I've been away..Thank you Ady and Louie for bringing me back

I got discouraged and just too emotional over the whole Taiji situation so I had to take a step back. I've taken a month away. And I have to admit it did not help. My heart still aches for these amazing creatures.

Last night I saw The Cove again. Ady Gil, who is a very dear friend of mine, hosted it at his private theater. Ady is involved in Eyes on Taiji with Michael Dalton and a small group of individuals in Taiji right now. Over Thanksgiving I was talking with Ady and told him I wanted to help in some way so we thought of ideas to raise money. I suggested a screening of The Cove and to see if he could get either Louie Psihoyos, the director, or Ric O'Barry or even Lincoln to speak as a special guest. He was able to get Louie. I don't put people on a pedestal. I don't do the whole celebrity freak out thing, (I was next to Taylor Lautner at the People's Choice awards and kept my cool) but I have to say there is something about being around people who actually try to make a difference in our world. There was this sort of feeling that came over me last night and I snapped out of my funk. I needed that.

The most powerful part of The Cove for me is at the very end when Ric is walking through the IWC with the monitor on his chest. I have to admit I am tearing up right now just thinking about that scene. If ever a movie moved me in any way, that scene, that maybe two minute scene was the most powerful scene, it is the #1 best scene I've ever seen in a movie. Sorry for that weird possible, run on sentence. I'm a bit choked up. I pray to God that this stops in Ric's lifetime. He makes a comment about that in the movie. I even see the tears in his eyes during a few scenes. And I just want to reach out and hug him. Hopefully I get to meet Ric. Scrap that, I WILL meet Ric. Someway. Ideas??

We need to work together. We need to stop this horrible slaughter. It doesn't matter what group you belong to. It doesn't matter if you are Sea Shepherd, Eyes on Taiji, Blackfish or SaveJapanDolphins..we need to work together. I support all of the groups above. All of this fighting and outting each other on Facebook is very, in a simple word, stupid. Don't for one second think that Japanese people involved in Taiji or the Japanese government isn't watching the arguing going on on Facebook or blogs or whatever else. We all learned that during the Paul and Pete thing. They even went as far as to offer him a fake job or some shit like that. Bottom line it was a real mess. I can't tell people what to write on their personal Facebook pages or blogs. But I will tell you, as one of the few thousand, possibly million that read your pages and blogs, it hurts more than help the cause. Think about that next time you take the drama public..


patti bacher said...

as soon as i get caught up i am going to donate for your cause.

Anonymous said...

Laura, I didn't get a chance to meet you at Ady's Saturday night. I am interested in this project. Best of Luck!! Don McNally

Anonymous said...

"It doesn't matter if you are Sea Shepherd, Eyes on Taiji, Blackfish or SaveJapanDolphins..we need to work together. I support all of the groups above. All of this fighting and outting each other on Facebook is very, in a simple word, stupid. Don't for one second think that Japanese people involved in Taiji or the Japanese government isn't watching the arguing going on on Facebook or blogs or whatever else. We all learned that during the Paul and Pete thing. They even went as far as to offer him a fake job or some shit like that. Bottom line it was a real mess. I can't tell people what to write on their personal Facebook pages or blogs. But I will tell you, as one of the few thousand, possibly million that read your pages and blogs, it hurts more than help the cause. "

This is the most important message of all.

People fight for animal rights being more important that a nation or company. But they're prepared to harm the cause for the sake of their own ego and point scoring.

Anonymous said...

Laura i will do all i can to donate too this or the coming week!
We need more ppl in Taiji!
Good luck!

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