Thursday, November 11, 2010

Taiji maybe next year

I think yesterday I came to the realization that I won't be going to Taiji in January. I can not afford it on my own and I'm not raising enough donations. I know I still have almost 2 months to go but I'm afraid I won't raise more than the $200 that I've already raised.

I appreciate those that have donated and I will continue to try to raise more.

Through this whole deal of getting involved with trying to save animals, I've met a lot of people. I've dealt with a lot of egos and I've wondered why people claim to care but won't do anything other than put information out on Facebook. I'm not an armchair activist. I don't hang onto other people's work and then put information out there as if I've done all the work. I don't feel good copying and pasting the same information over and over. I do like when I call the consulate and get hung up on when I say my name. That is pretty cool.

I'm a doer. I'm really all about being on the front and getting things accomplished. I want to roll my sleeves up and get dirty. But it looks like Taiji will have to wait. At least this time.


Anonymous said...

With eleven of you, I make a dozen. With ninety-nine of you, I make a hundred. But I cannot do it without each and every one of you. You matter! Never give up! For the Dolphins.

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