Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Ric O'Barry brought us Flipper and while I think I was maybe 8 at the most, I loved that show. I wanted to be Flipper too I think. At least I remember wanting to be Flipper. I still know the theme song!!

Then Ric O'Barry brought us the award winning documentary, "The Cove". I don't even remember the last time I cried that hard. There was this fire burning inside of me during the last 20 minutes of that movie. This feeling that I don't even know how to describe. People warned me too. They warned me knowing how much of an emotional person I am that I might not be able to take it. I waited to watch it too. I waited until I thought I was ok and while I should never have watched it, I'm glad it did. Cause it sparked a fire in my ass to get out there and do something to stop the killing of our dolphins in Taiji. And the most powerful part of the movie wasn't even the slaughter, it was the very end when Ric walked into the IWC with that video screen on his chest and stopped in front of several people. Ric, you made me bawl my eyes out even more. I wanted to be you at that moment. I wanted to be part of your group of people. I wanted to be standing right there holding people's faces so they couldn't turn away from the slaughter. And I wanted to be with you on that city street with all those people walking by.  You didn't move an inch. Ric O'Barry you are my hero!

November 2 was supposed to be a day of hope for all of us dolphin lovers. But deep down inside, I think we knew that we'd lose. But that didn't stop you Ric from speaking out and I have to say once again you are my hero. You are my hero for not bowing down and letting Mayor Sangen kick the media out and not letting your voice be heard!!!


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