Tuesday, November 9, 2010

World Wide Anti-Whaling Day, 5 Nov 2010

Well well..it's been a few days, almost a week since we had our AMAZING event world wide. I feel like a slug that I have not blogged about it. I've been so emotional with the event being over and then the dolphin slaughter. To hear that babies were slaughtered gets me right in my squeanie. And I don't know what that is but I imagine it's deeper than my guts.

At the LA event we had an amazing turn out. I think I counted 78 at one time. We had quite a turn out of familiar faces. My dear, sweet, kick ass friend Ady Gil came. Ady has such a giant heart. I feel extremely blessed to have him in my life. I'm going to invite him over to my condo. I hope he comes.

Then we had 2 Sea Shepherds. I have to say that was a surprise to me since it came out of nowhere. There had been no indication at all that they were going to be there. They showed up to several events. Shannon Mann showed up and let me tell you something...that woman is BEAUTIFUL! I don't know if she had make up on but she doesn't need it. Of all things I could ask her, I was a bafoon and asked her about showering on campaign! REALLY! I mean, us girls think about that type of stuff. Especially during thaaaaaaaaaaaat time of the month..ahem..moving on.. We also had the rockstar at ours. hehe We had Laurens De Groot. Let me say ladies, if you havent had the pleasure of looking into this man's eyes..well, I'll just say-he's got pretty eyes. I resisted the urge to touch the pretty..actually I take that back. I did touch the pretty but only on his back. I didn't want to go all fan girl on him. But if I can find out what his mailing address is, I think an electric blue thong is going in the mail!

Enjoy some pics from the protest below...


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