Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Well, well Sea World..why did Sumar die?

God bless the folks I work with. They constantly tease me about eating dolphin sushi or whale steaks..most of it I laugh off. I mean men do LOVE to tease women after all..I do not take them seriously. One of the cool things about being the 2nd to youngest here, they take pretty good care of me. They treat me like I'm a little sister. And all of them know my love for our marine babies. So I wasn't surprised today when EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM(13) asked me if I had seen the article about the dolphins on the front page of the San Diego Union Tribune, November 1, 2010. (I secretly grabbed it out of the break room this morning before any of them had seen me) Sumar was mentioned towards the end of it. He was an Orca who died at the age of 12 here in sunny San Diego. He was a star at Sea World(vomit) and one day he just died. This was back in September. I think the 8th was the day he became an angel in ocean heaven. So here we are, November 2 and I've still not seen a cause of death anywhere..UNTIL I read this article. A twisted intestinal tract. And Sea World is saying his death is in no way related to his being in captivity. So there you have it. I'm no Orca expert. But I do know that animals do not belong in captivity, especially a bath tub.


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